
If you need to deliver a document, gift, flower, or other parcel, use the Modrý anděl Courier service. We will pick up and reliably deliver your package either express or at a specific time. Always precise and reliable.


Express, Timed Deliveries, and Best Prices

  • Speed - delivery within 45 minutes or at your specified time
  • Service - the driver picks up the package and reliably delivers it to the person of your choice
  • Nonstop - we deliver 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Customer Support - we track vehicles online and provide support
  • Price - thanks to our fleet of vehicles and processing system, we offer better prices
  • Bulk Deliveries - option to connect via API
  • Ecology - we have vehicles equipped with CNG engines

Booking Options


You can also easily make a reservation through our website. Online reservation

In the app

Download the new Modrý anděl app and have all our services in one place.

By phone

Our dispatch operates 24/7. Call us at +420 737 222 333

By email

You can also book via email at We will process your request promptly.